Technical Background
Calcium is required for the formation of aragonite, the skeletal material of reef-building invertebrates such as corals, clams, tube worms, and their respective allies. In reef aquaria, maintaining calcium within a range of 412 - 450 ppm will enable corals and other reef-building invertebrates to grow rapidly when all other physical and chemical requirements are met. [Magnesium, strontium, and carbonate ions are also complexed into aragonite, and their importance in a reef aquarium cannot be overstated.] The rate at which calcium is extracted from the water is determined by the stocking density of reef-building livestock, type of lighting, and other biological, physical, and chemical conditions; therefore, each aquarium will have different requirements for the rate of calcium supplementation.

Instructions and Guidelines
Basic: Dissolve 2 grams (~½ teaspoon) of product per 20 US-gallons of aquarium water in 8-fl. oz. of fresh water; add every other day or as needed to maintain the calcium concentration within a range of 412 - 450 ppm. When used in this fashion, 800 g treats up to 8,000 US-gallons (30,283 L).
Advanced: Create a stock solution by dissolving 10 grams (~5 teaspoons) of Calcion-P in 8-fl. oz. of fresh water (preferably purified); each ml of the solution will increase the calcium concentration (”[Ca2+]”) in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by 2.50 ppm. [Reference: Each g of Calcion-P will increase the [Ca2+] in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by 95 ppm.] If initial [Ca2+] in the aquarium is below 412 ppm, add stock sol’n at maximum rate of 10 ml per 20 US-gallons daily until desired concentration is attained, then dose daily or weekly as needed (see below). Maintain [Ca2+] within a range of +/-10 ppm. Once desired [Ca2+] has been acquired, measure aquarium's [Ca2+] at the same time each day over a one- to two-week period to determine the daily rate of calcium uptake (i.e. the decrease in calcium). To determine daily dosing rate (preferable to weekly dosing): estimate volume of water in entire aquarium system (US-gal.); divide the daily decrease in [Ca2+] by 2.50; multiply this number by volume of water in system to obtain daily ml of stock sol’n required to maintain stable [Ca2+].
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption.